Item number change slow


After upgrading to 2022 Sage 300 item number change is sunning extremely slow. Changing one item number was taking 2-3 hours in 2019 and now it would take close to 20 hours. Item valuation is taking forever, my guess is close to 18 hours. Hardware is not an issue since I am running change on 40 cores server and SQL has 60 GB memory.

Any fix for this or just moving to a newer version?

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  • 0 in reply to chiman

    I also forgot to mention

    In addition to this, one should then also set the AdvisorLogs folder in Shared data as Read-only as well.

     This normally prevents the logs from being generated, even though some background process(es) may continue to run.

    You need to go down to the deepest roots of that folder, disable all inherited permissions for all users, including Owner as well as admin.