Report Execution Error when trying to run reports downloaded from Sage Intelligence Reporting


I downloaded the Sage Intelligence Report Utility and installed the PJC reports for Sage 300.  When I try to run the reports on a database, I get the following Execution Error

Description : It was not possible to connect to the database.
The error returned was :

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

SQLState = 08001

Please check with the administrator that the connection information configured for this data container is valid.

Number : -1147181502
Source :
Driver Error : Unknown
SQL State : Unknown

Does anyone know how to resolve this error?  Thank you.

  • +1
    verified answer


    Problem:  Mixed ODBC


    In the Report Manager, go to Home, R-Click and look at the Tenant Cache Viewer.  When I did this, I saw most of my connections were using the SQL Server Instance Name.  I had a couple that were using a different ODBC.  In my case, the company I was trying to run reports for was using an ODBC that was different than the Server Instance Name.  

    I went back and from my Home, R-Click and chose the option to "Clear All Cached Connection Information".  I then went to my ODBC setup for this company in database setup.  Changed it to be the Server Name.  When I went back into the Company and Report Manager, everything then worked.  The Connection information was correctly added automatically.

  • 0 in reply to KelleyA

    this is awesome - it helped me with my issue - thank you so much

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