Financial Report Designer using percentage formula, How report can hide any account is zero balance ?

Financial Report Designer, we have adding column for percentage formula.  How I can hide any accounts is zero balance ?

I have been using 'Z' on column C but the percentage formula is error. (if deleted 'Z' that report is success but any account is zero balance will show.

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    Hello Thaworn, 

    This is a confirmed issue.. reported to development.. 

    It is because Column D is using a Total (T).  

    Development is looking to fix this in a future update, but nothing confirmed as of yet.

    At this point, only option is to remove the T in Column D.. 



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    Hi Thaworn,

    Another option is to use the FRS financial reporter. There's a setting in row sets to suppress a row if all the columns on that row are zero. 

    A nice thing about FRS is that it uses referenced row and column sets, so if you have multiple income statements, they can all use the one income statement row set. That way you only need to make a change once which saves time and ensures consistency between reports.