Financial reporting - upgrade causes a problem in FR reports


We had to move from Sage 300 2020 to Sage 300 2024 unexpectedly as a result of a crash. All new workstations with Windows 11 instead of Windows 10.

The issue I am working on is that the financial reports look weird - the fonts don't look right and I think there may be a font missing from the computers that I run this report on. What is the default font that FR reports use now? Is it MS San Serif 10? The correct numbers are being reported but they don't line up on the page like they used to. 

Thanks in advance,

Peter Heinicke

PC Methods

  • verified answer

    Hi  the font you're most likely missing is the Arial Unicode MS TTF font as without it Crystal Reports display using Times New Roman.  Please locate a workstation, server or RDS server that had the old version of Sage 300 on it and copy the front from C:\Windows\Fonts\ARIALUNI.TTF to the RDS server/workstations needing it then right-click Install for all users.  The next time Sage 300 is closed and opened the reports should be fixed.  

    HOWEVER you mention Financial Reporter which is Excel, so the above solution will only work if someone in the past deliberately used the same font as Crystal Reports (which is my guess).  If this doesn't resolve it, you will need to try and alternatively locate the custom font being used and copy it over using the same method as above...or alternatively change the font to something universally supported in the original Financial Reporter Excel templates to resolve the issue and future proof the templates.

    Good luck and let us know more details if that doesn't resolve it.

  • I made sure I had that font installed, but the report still behaves oddly. I was able to make a copy of the XLSX file and change the default font in that and change the appearance, but I have to ask the client what exactly do they want. It has a lot to do with margins and appearance, and I think one of their accounts was put in the wrong account group, so I am not sure yet that this is fixed. 

  • Hi  it definitely sounds like you have it under control.  I guess all I can suggest is ensuring all the formatting within the Spec named range has the correct font etc.  Let us know if you run into any further problems and we'll do our best.

  • The fonts were definitely part of the problem, but I am still having a different issue with a custom FR report which works correctly on one workstation and not on another. They are using 64 bit excel but this should be ok on this version of Sage 300 (2024). It might be a case where one workstation has 32 bit excel and the other one has 64 bit, so I will check that next. 

  • verified answer

    Hi  it would be good to know if you identify that.  I have occasionally had an issue where I've had to re-create a report.  One way I diagnose whether the report is OK or not is to run the factory quickbal1.xlsx report (under the GL71A\ENG programs folder) which should always work whether its a 32-bit or 64-bit machine.  Also, if you uninstall office and re-install a different edition (i.e. uninstall 64-bit office and install 32-bit office) you should uninstall and re-install Sage 300 Workstation Setup too.  Finally, although it can be annoying to request it from IT staff, I have found generally that 32-bit office still works better across Sage 300 up to version 2024 (haven't checked with 2025 yet).  I just find Sage 300 macros, the Excel xlsx export/import and Financial Reporter all work better with 32-bit office.  Good luck!

  • Unless a client wants to use FR Web, I still pretty much insist they install 32bit Excel. Too many glitches with 64bit including older Financial Reports that have formula issues when run in 64bit.