When printing an invoice in Sage 300 2017 the user is always asked for a password

The full story is that our client of over 20 years has had to move their system from their local server to an Azur server at short notice.

Everything is working fine except when they print the AR invoice form, both the customized form and the default form.  The Crystal Run time prompts for a password.  They provide this, the password for the ODBC data connection, and it prints.

It is just rather annoying for our client.

We could change the ODBC connection but we have a customisation running with additional tables and we are concerned that a change may impact the customisation.

The client should upgrade their system to the latest version but right now we just need to fix this issue.

If we connect as Admin through the remote desktop then the prompt does not appear.

Any old timers out there that may have an idea?



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