Payments posted to invoice prior to invoice date (both AP and AR)

Good Morning!
Years ago, Sage support helped guide me with this problem when I had it once before, and in reaching out recently, they keep sending me info for transactions for prior year adjustments (no help).

As we all know, if a payment is posted prior to the invoice date, whether in AP or AR, it throws our GL Out-of-Balance. There is a way to do an inquiry in both AP and AR to help identify and find these issues so they can be fixed.  Unfortunately, I don't remember how.  When I search in the knowledgebase, it sends me to yearend procedures, and I can't find the answer in those guides.  Any assistance you can provide I would be forever appreciative. 

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  • 0 in reply to Nicholle Anderson


    Hi @__,

    Thanks for reaching out. It's important to note that recording a Payment or Receipt before an Invoice is issued is not considered an error. If you need to track these instances specifically, you would need a custom report tailored for this purpose. We can guide you on how to set up or request such a report if you're interested.

    Warm Regards,

    If this helps please mark it as verified :)

  • 0 in reply to ClarkM

    Hey mayla,

    Thank you so much for your response.  Actually, it is a big problem if the payment is in a month or year before the invoice was created.  I know there is an inquiry or report (I really think its an inquiry) that you can condition to find it, as support had helped me with this once before.  The person I had entering in some payments has made a huge mess I am trying to clean up without having to invoice by invoice and line item by line.