• How to add earning definition to pay run

    hello everyone , I have an issue in regard to one of the sage 300 APIs when creating a new Employee i get the following errors from my postman { "PropertyName" : "RemunerationEarnDefID" , "PropertyFriendlyName" : "Affected Earning Line" , "ErrorRulesCollection…
  • Payments posted to invoice prior to invoice date (both AP and AR)

    Good Morning! Years ago, Sage support helped guide me with this problem when I had it once before, and in reaching out recently, they keep sending me info for transactions for prior year adjustments (no help). As we all know, if a payment is posted…
  • Database dump fail

    Hi there, I am trying to perform Database Dump but always get the following error message. Then, if I perform database verification, it returns this. Could I know how to fix this issue to be able to dump database? Thank you!
  • Promote to Sage 300

    Hi we are having an issue with our Sage CRM and promoting to Sage 300. We haven't used this function before resulting in a lot of duplicate customers being in CRM. This is because we have them entered as prospects and then we sent them up as actual…
  • Adding optional fields to order confirmation form

    We have NOTES in the optional fields in Ship-to Locations, so they show up in order entry. I am trying to get the note tied to the ship-to location for that customer, to populate on the order confirmation form. My problem is that I can't find the field…
  • Sage CRM - Twice-weekly "Drop-in-Surgery"

    David Beard and Jeff Richards will be available online to help customers & our reseller partners with technical questions, perhaps brainstorm ideas for deployment, seek advice on marketing & sales + almost anything else SageCRM Drop in via Skype or dial…