sage500 login screen only allows use of tab and enter. mouse does not work


The sage500 login screen only allows use the tab key, esc key or enter key when logging in.  Once login is complete and in sage500 application the mouse can be used normally.

Any idea of the setting with sage500 or on the workstation that allows the use of the mouse when logging in.  No other applications does this occur.


  • +1
    verified answer


    Greetings. There isn't a setting that would "allow" the use of the mouse. It should be naturally available to use. But the error you are experiencing is probably being triggered by the mouse movement and active point of position. It looks like the Database is loaded on a version of SQL 2008 that is not supported.

    If possible could you try and TEST on a SQL version that is supported based on the error message and see if the mouse behavior remains the same?

    If so I would urge you to open a case with Sage 500 support via your customer portal and our Analyst could assist you with investigating the issue.

    Thank you.

  • 0 in reply to RDTupas


    The issue is NOT the SQL version.  Been on the mas500 and sql version since 2011 and it's been an issue periodically on a local client installation.  The remote application (terminal server) installation of mas500 is allows the use of the mouse to select OK when logging into mas500.  There is no other time where the mouse is not usable.  I'm thinking the issue has something to do the UAC and other security settings with the local security policy.

    Any assistance is much appreciated.

  • 0 in reply to dburckhardt


    My apologies I didn't realize you were utilizing an RDP environment. My response was based on the screenshot provided. But if the issue has something to do with the UAC or Windows environment I would definitely test lowering the UAC if that will help. I also checked our ticketing history and unfortunately we have not received any reports of this specific issue with the mouse not being able to be utilized when using the Sage 500 UI.

    I would definitely urge to open a case with Sage 500 support as the Analyst could then remote into the environment and see the issue first hand. Also, what version of Sage 500 and PU (product update) do you have loaded on your environment? What is the OS of both local and terminal server? 

    Thank you.

  • 0 in reply to RDTupas

    There are 2 windows 10 pro workstations with the mas500 client installed where the issue is occurring.  If the remote application is used on those 2 workstations the issue doesn't occur.   UAC is set to the lowest level (not recommended).  There must be another setting that's triggering the issue.

  • 0 in reply to dburckhardt

    I have not seen that behavior before.  I wonder if those two workstations where it is happening have the same mice as used on other workstations.  My Logitech mouse uses it's own mouse stuff.  If the mice happen to be different, try plugging in a "standard" mouse if you happen to have one and see what happens.

  • 0 in reply to Ramon M.

    It's not the mouse in my opinion.  Let's say workstation 1 and workstation 2 are the workstations where the issue occurs.  Both are windows 10 pro and both have mas500 installed locally on the c drive.  Windows is 64 bit with mas500 being 32 bit the sage500 installation is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage Software\.  If I rdp from workstation 1 to workstation 2 and start mas500 on workstation 2 there's no issue.  I select the mas500 desktop icon, the mas500 login screen appears and I select OK using the mouse and I'm logged into mas500.  The same is true if using RDP from workstation 2 to workstation 1.  The mouse works correctly when selecting the OK box.  

    But, if I'm on the desktop of either of the machines and attempt to login to mas500 the pc that I'm in front of the mouse doesn't work on the OK box after selecting/starting mas500.  I'm able to login to mas500 by selecting the mas500 desktop icon and then selecting the tab key to highlight the OK button and then select the keyboard enter key resulting in entry into mas500.

    Another item to note is that when on the desktop of workstation 1 or 2 if the task manager is started and go to details tab all of the mas500 tasks display "disabled" under the UAC virtualization column.  When connected using RDP or remote application the UAC virtualization displays "enabled". Is that a coincidence that when UAC virtualization displays disabled that OK button cannot be selected with the mouse.

    One other note...on the workstations 1 and 2 if a custom crystal report is selected where the report is located on a network drive, ie not on the local drive where sage is installed, the report parameters when started are hidden behind the mas500 application screen and the parameters or any other mas500 menu or any other desktop icons or program cannot be selected with a mouse or tab until task manager is started and the not responding report task is selected.  Once the task is selected with the mouse the report parameters and all other functions are selectable with mouse or keyboard functions.

    We're using remote application for mas500 too, connecting to a terminal server and the mouse upon logon works correctly.

  • 0 in reply to dburckhardt

    From your description, you are publishing the app, so it's the incompatibility warning that is more than likely the source of the problem. That's an old version and there used to be a way to suppress that message (the warning was dropped many versions ago). I don't remember how, but maybe someone else does.

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