• Creating a database: Sage 500 DB Creation Utility vs DB Express

    I was wondering which method you generally use when creating a new Sage 500 ERP database. You can create a database using the DB Creation Utility or by using DB Express. DB Express install faster, but is a set image of a database that includes demo…
  • Sage 500 & Worpdress

    Hey! We are wondering if Sage 500 is at all compatible with wordpress, and if it is, how that integration would work with Woocommerce. Thanks!
  • Sage 500 Knowledgebase Download center error

    Unable to download files from the Sage 500 Download center. We are trying to update to Version 2023. Keep getting error, "We are sorry for the inconvenience. It seems you are not authorized to view this document." If anyone has a suggestion, thanks…
  • Sage Intelligence Network Repository Path

    After reinstalling, Sage 500 Intelligence is asking for the network folder repository path when going into Report Manager. Where can I find the path and insure folder is common to all users? Sage 500 erp 2019 product 7 (v
  • SQL 2019 Update CU23

    Can anyone confirm that we can apply the Cumulative Update 23 to our SQL 2019 server?
  • Sage 500 Specialist needed

    Hello, I am looking for a Sage500 specialist to help me with upgrading a client from Sage500 v 2017 to v2023. This client also has a small customization. I need to figure out if it would need to be upgraded or if it can continue working without issue…
  • Server and OS Upgrade

    Hello, I have a client on Sage 500 v 2017. This is was the main ERP for a smaller company that was bought by a larger one. I am being asked to upgrade the server - both the Windows OS and the Sql Server. (I am reluctant to upgrade the sage 500 version…
  • Building a new server for Sage 500 2023 --Will Windows 2022 work

    We are building a new server and doing an upgrade from Sage 500 7.6. On the new server, we are going to use SQL 2019 CU3 (which found is listed as compatible). But I can't find any documentation about Server and Client Windows OS compatibility. …
  • Error 13 from 7.2 to 7.6

    Hello, I am experiencing Error 13 after upgrading our MAS 500 from 7.2.20 to 7.60.6. Strangely, error 13 didn't present itself during testing. The error appears when users are processing invoices for payment after clicking the proceed button. The messages…
  • Upgrading from 7.4 to 2013 (7.5)

    I have installed SQL Server 2008 R2 Std on a Server 2012 Std and restored my Sage 500 ERP database backups to this server. I logged into the client and changed my License Type to TEST. I then run the 2013 Sage 500 ERP Database Upgrade Utility with Compare…
  • Aatrix 1099 Not Running Properly Sage 500

    When I go to process 1099 Aatrix starts and then the application just closes back to sage with no error messages or anything.
  • SQL Server 2022 Compatibility

    Hello, We are purchasing new hardware to replace our outdated server. Does anyone know if the latest version of Sage 500 will be compatible with SQL Server 2022. I like to believe that there won't be any issues but you never know. Has anyone been running…
  • Creating a Test Environment

    I need to create a test environment basing it off our current version of Sage 500 ERP. Where can I find instructions on doing so? I simply need to install a TEST copy of our production, applying the updates to the TEST to verify that nothing will break…
  • Sage 500 2023 Upgrade Path 2013 to 2023

    The install guide mentions you can upgrade directly from 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019 directly to 2023. on Page 29. Has anyone had success with the upgrade path?
  • Installation of MAS500 ERP 2018 on Windows 11

    After installing the client on Windows 11, we receive an ODBC error stating that the client doesn't match the server version of the ODBC. Has anyone else faced this issue? And how did you handle it? I am not sure I want to put SQL Server Express 2017…
  • 2021 Version PU2 - USPS feature returns "Server commited a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine "

    Hello, we're planning on going live with the 2021 PU2 version on Friday (Upgrading from 7.7/2015). When we try to validate an address using the USPS feature we get an error "Server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine." I'm not…
  • Sage 500 Database Install message: The following error occurred in the routing GetSQLServerNames [53] File not found: SOADBLIB.DLL

    We have a Sage Partner Account, and I'm attempting to install Sage 500 ERP 2021. I installed the Database Utilities, but when I run Database Creation Utility I get the message: The following error occurred in the routing GetSQLServerNames [53] File…
  • Upgrade from 7.6 (2014) to 2019

    I thought the product was supposed to support this upgrade. I swear there was a post about this with Zenon replying on what to do. I could not find it. Anyone know? Thanks, John
  • Issue running Update 2019PU1S

    I updated a database to version 2019. I installed the server update PU1 without any errors. When it finishes I can login into the server and when I select the database and click on proceed I get the following error message: "The server side license…
  • Installing Monthly Updates

    How do you do monthly updates to your MAS 500 installs on client computers where users don't have admin rights? I know you can make a silent install of the full client but how do you manage the monthly update and pushing that to users? I'd like to do…
  • MAS 500 user Explorer settings

    When performing a MAS 500 software update (2017 to 2019), will the individual users Explorer settings transfer in the software update? Also Is there a way to export all user settings to be imported in a new MAS 500 server setup/installation or would…
  • Some errors in a new installation.

    Good afternoon! I was addressing some login trouble a client was experiencing when testing a machine for a new user & was faced with the following 3 errors- My GoogleFu has thus far failed me.
  • Sage 500 ERP 2018 client installation error on Windows 10 64-bit computer

    Logged on as local administrator (computer name\administrator) on Windows 10 64-bit computer. Uninstalled MAS 500 ERP 7.80.3 client from computer and deleted Sage 500 related files. Downloaded Sage 500 ERP version 2018 client and launched installation…
  • Support for Windows Server 2016 and 2019

    Hi, I am thinking about upgrading to Sage 2018 (7.9x). I noticed for a thin client it only has Windows 2012 in the supported platform matrix. Is Sage planning to support a newer product? I am excited they support SQL 2017! Thx. John
  • Microsoft Azure

    Anyone have Sage 500 customers using Microsoft Azure to host their product? If so, how is it going?