Hello - two of our fully integrated customers send allowances/discounts on their orders when they send them via SPS, once the orders hit Sage 500, I can see the allowance/discount percent and amount at a line level, however, for whatever reason, I have a hadnful of the same items repeatedly not pulling the allowance/discount percent and amount under sales order lines
Since these are integrated customers this is not set up at the "Trade Discount" level under maintain customers as I use that function for webform only customers to pull their discounts on the sales orders
The issue then is because it is not pulled in on the sales order, after we ship, the invoice is not calculating properly, when then results in an 864 Test message error until I manualyl resend the invoice in SPS with the correct amount
Is my issue tied to the item itself somehow and how can I get these items to pull the allowance/discount percent and amount at the sales order line level in Sage 500