Hi All,
I just want to ask, in timItem table, there is a column for 'AvailForSale' (Available For Sale).
Where can I find this on the front end in Maintain Item?
I can't find where this is being set or controlled.
Thank you,
Hi All,
I just want to ask, in timItem table, there is a column for 'AvailForSale' (Available For Sale).
Where can I find this on the front end in Maintain Item?
I can't find where this is being set or controlled.
Thank you,
Not for Sage X3, sorry. could not delete original post.
Not for Sage X3, sorry. could not delete original post.
Thanks Phil. But what I'm looking for is where is this being controlled? If you go to SOA, and pull up an Item with an Item Type of 'Expense', take note of that item. You will noticed in the UOM tab, there is no Sale Stock Unit of Measure, w/c I think that the 'AvailForSale' column should be set to 0 in the timItem.AvailForSale table, and its not, its showing as a value of '1'. So there should be somewhere that this is being set.
Yes, if I don't get an answer, I will create a case.
I took a brief look at this from the back-end. Given the schema browser definition of this field, I would guess that many, many, moons ago there was a plan for this field and it was put into schema but never implemented. There does not appear to be a reference to it in any of the client source, and only passing references to it in database source. There does not appear to be any processing that supports the schema browser explanation that it stops an item from being placed on a sales order, but allows them to be placed as a kit component, effectively making it a kit component item only.
If you have an item in inventory and set the AvailForSale to 0, the behaviors do not change. I would consider it a field that was never implemented. It always has a value of 1 due to a default constraint.
At this point, I would assume it could only be used for a customization where customization code could manipulate the value and base decisions upon it without any Sage 500 ERP core support.
Consider saving the support case for something else.
Ramon -
I fully expected to see this column in the schema with the comment "THIS COLUMN IS INTENDED FOR FUTURE USE" as many other fields in the database indicate. Such as VendFamilyKey in the timItem table. Sadly, the future will never come for these forgotten and abandoned fields from the days of yore.
I answered the post as if it was for Sage X3 Tony, lol. My apologies. I selected 'delete' on my misguided post so we shall see. I see Russ responded and that seems the most likely answer. I did not realize I set notifications for Sage 500 so I will be more careful going forward.
Hi Ramon,
Thank you for verifying this for me. This explains everything now.
Have a good day, Sir!
Tony, when you have a chance, please select the 'verified answer' on Ramon's post. We are tracking this internally.
Just a final note, the field may have been used in the past to support WA module code. I found an old reference to client code that was using it. Recall that the WA module was a quasi-supported module and the code was really supported by a third-party vendor.
*Community Hub is the new name for Sage City