Sage 50 US desktop versus Sage Cloud


I would like to talk to someone who has experience using Sage Cloud versus Sage 50 US desktop.  I have several years experience with Sage desktop software.  A new client is looking to me to recommend accounting software.  The client is a small service home health care business that should require only a straight forward accounting write up.  My experience with Sage Cloud was early in its roll out and it was a miserable failure at that time.  Prefer to talk to an actual user and not the sales department.  My direct contact is Richard T Watkins [email protected].  Telephone 636-239-7768. 

Thank you.

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    I sent you a message but I would suggest hosting your Sage out on a cloud server.  I am actually assisting a company right now migrate their Sage to Summit hosting after having to restore their data 6 different times from data corruption from sync issues.  Sage said it was an issue with their internet service provider who is actually the ones who reached out but regardless that can't happen if you host the program on Summit as there isn't any syncing.  I have had other clients with data corruption issues, so it is not a feature we recommend clients using when there is a much better option by hosting the software out.  [email protected] 

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    verified answer

    I sent you a message but I would suggest hosting your Sage out on a cloud server.  I am actually assisting a company right now migrate their Sage to Summit hosting after having to restore their data 6 different times from data corruption from sync issues.  Sage said it was an issue with their internet service provider who is actually the ones who reached out but regardless that can't happen if you host the program on Summit as there isn't any syncing.  I have had other clients with data corruption issues, so it is not a feature we recommend clients using when there is a much better option by hosting the software out.  [email protected] 

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