Vendor Prepayment not showing up when ready to pay Vendor Invoice


We placed a deposit with a vendor for product shipping several months from now.  I entered deposit as a Vendor Prepayment.  When I went to see if it shows up in the Payments screen (used a mock invoice to applicable vendor for this), only the vendor invoice showed up and no prepayment.  Google says that maybe I do not have that accounting preference enabled and that i need to go to Setup<Accounting but I cannot find the Setup feature.  Only the Setup Guide and there is no option for "Accounting".  Only Customers, Vendors, Inventory, etc.  When I look at the Cash Disbursements Journal, I see the prepayment versus the invoice and the new balance due but in the Payment screen, when I enter the Vendor, no prepayment comes up for me to apply to invoice.

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    If the Prepayment is not appearing to use, then one of two things has happened. Either you didn't check mark the Prepayment box when entering the Prepayment, or you have already applied the Prepayment to another transaction. If you are able to open the original Prepayment entry, then it hasn't been applied to another transaction and you should be able to edit the entry and check the Prepayment box. If you cannot open the original Prepayment entry, then the transaction has already been applied, in full or partial to another transaction. To see where the Prepayment may have been applied, you can run the Cash Disbursements Journal Report and search on the Reference Number that was entered with the original Prepayment.

    Tammi M. Ermerins ([email protected])

    Certified Sage 50/Peachtree Accounting & Crystal Reports Consultant & Trainer

    800-780-0700 / 954-961-0600, Visit Us on the Web at

  • 0 in reply to termerins

    I can open the original Prepayment entry.  Cash Disbursement Journal shows both a prepayment and the mock invoice.  I did check mark the Prepayment box when I originally created it.  If I am correct, once there is an invoice, I should see two entries in the Payment screen; one for the invoice and one for the prepayment.  I should be able to select both but I only see the invoice.  No prepayment available to apply to the invoice.  I'm thinking that this particular aspect of the software is broken.  Prepayments and refunds work on the customer side but not on the vendor side.

  • 0 in reply to EWO Accounting

    No, the software is not broken. Please contact my office directly and I'll be happy to log in with you and review/fix the issue with you at no charge.

    Tammi M. Ermerins ([email protected])

    Certified Sage 50/Peachtree Accounting & Crystal Reports Consultant & Trainer

    800-780-0700 / 954-961-0600, Visit Us on the Web at