Simple IRA Company Match when employee is over 50 and close to the limit


I have an employee that is over 50 and I do have the catchup marked yes.  She has contributed 15,400 during this payroll and the employer match didn't calculate.  I use the standard formula for the simple IRA.  We have had trouble with this on other employees.  This is the formula that it is showing for the company match.  Do I need to change something in the formula?  I don't understand what the CLimit value is as this says 14,500.  

"PERCENT formula created by Sage 50 Accounting."
LIMIT=16000.; "SIMPLELimit value from Taxinfo.dat"
CLIMIT=14500.00; "SIMPLECLimit value from Taxinfo.dat"

B=100.00; "Company contribution %"
C=3.00; "% of employee contribution"
D=100.00; "Company maximum contribution %"


  • 0

    Hi Miller,

    The CLIMIT value may be the reason behind this, based on the formula the company is matching up to 3%  but if the limit is 14500 and the employee has already gone over with contributions of 15400 then  the employee contribution would stop causing the company contribution to stop (assuming the employee contribution is calculated on a formula and not a flat rate).  You could try upping the CLIMIT in the formula to see if the employer contribution calculates.

    Thank you.

  • 0

    Hi Miller,

    The CLIMIT value may be the reason behind this, based on the formula the company is matching up to 3%  but if the limit is 14500 and the employee has already gone over with contributions of 15400 then  the employee contribution would stop causing the company contribution to stop (assuming the employee contribution is calculated on a formula and not a flat rate).  You could try upping the CLIMIT in the formula to see if the employer contribution calculates.

    Thank you.

  • 0 in reply to DonaldC

    Thank you.   I will change that amount.  I'm not sure how it even got that 14,500 in there but I will pay more attention when we roll over to January on payroll limits.  The employee does do a flat amount each month so that could be contributing to the problem as well.  Would I need to put the company limit at the 16,000 or would I put it at 19,500 since that is the amount you can do if you are over 50?

  • 0 in reply to Miller

    The Formula should look like this ...

    "PERCENT formula created by Sage 50 Accounting."
    LIMIT=16000.00; "SIMPLELimit value from Taxinfo.dat"
    CLIMIT=3500.00; "SIMPLECLimit value from Taxinfo.dat"

    B=100.000; "Company contribution %"
    C=3.000; "% of employee contribution"
    D=100.00; "Company maximum contribution %"


    The Catchup Limit, or CLIMIT should be $3500 (as shown above).

    Tammi M. Ermerins ([email protected])

    Certified Sage 50/Peachtree Accounting & Crystal Reports Consultant & Trainer

    800-780-0700 / 954-961-0600, Visit Us on the Web at

  • 0 in reply to termerins

    Thank you very much.  Appreciate your help!

  • 0 in reply to termerins

    Okay I did try that and it still isn't doing a match so I'm wondering if it has to do with how I have the flat amount that she is taking out.  She is taking out $700 per pay check for her simple IRA.  How should I be doing that under employee fields.  Currently I have the use defaults unchecked and calculated unchecked and amount I have -700.

  • 0 in reply to Miller

    That is exactly the reason why it's not working. The Employer Formula is assuming that the Employee takes a percentage for their deduction and if the Employer Formula doesn't see that the calculation is happening, then the Employer Formula won't work.

    Tammi M. Ermerins ([email protected])

    Certified Sage 50/Peachtree Accounting & Crystal Reports Consultant & Trainer

    800-780-0700 / 954-961-0600, Visit Us on the Web at

  • 0 in reply to Miller

    You can modify the formula for company match to accommodate a flat amount contribution.

    Find this line in the formula:


    And change it to:


    That will make the formula calculate the employee's percentage instead relying on the 401k Percentage field in Maintain Employees.