PASIT (PA Withholding) calculating wrong after adding new employees?


We hired several people in the past few weeks. We border WV so this is the first time in 5 years that I have WV employees on my tax liability report. I went through all of the proper steps, everything is pointing to where it should formula wise in Sage. I am withholding WV taxes on the WV employees since they are in a reciprocal state. That is all fine. The issue is, PA has a flat withholding rate, 3.07%, which has calculated fine all of 2024 until my last pay period with 7 new employees. 3 of these employees are WV. I am not sure where this miscalculation is happening, I have spun my wheels for hours. I am only off $11.96, so I was going to just deposit and pay that overage instead of what Sage is showing. Sage is showing I owe $1,222.00, my calculations are $1233.96. I just can't figure out where it is miscalculating?!