Re-printing old paychecks


I was asked to generate some older pay stubs for an employee.  How do I print a pay check without having Sage assume I'm re-issuing the check?  If it's from a different period, Sage asks if I'm sure I want to make a change.  I also noticed that the year to date numbers matched as of today (mid December 2024) and not the year to date number in November 2024.  I've also noticed, but not an issue at the moment, that if I go to a point in time where the employee had a different hourly rate, or the states taxes had changed, Sage updates the check with the newest rates.

  • 0

    Hi Bob,

    The payroll checks in Sage 50 will automatically attempt to re-calculate every time you open them (hence the message asking if you want to save the changes and the updates to the amounts if the rates have changed).  Additionally the YTD amounts on the paystub will always pull from the amount as of the end of the quarter (so in the case of Q4 it would be as of the end of Dec.).  There is not really a way around this on the printed stub other than to back out all the checks that came before the one you want to reprint, so in the case of a Nov pay date you would have to delete all the checks that came after it (all of the Dec checks and perhaps a few Nov ones depending on when in Nov the original check was made).

    As an alternative to a stub if you needed an "as of the date of the check" YTD amount you could run a payroll report such as one of the earnings reports.

    Thank you.

  • 0 in reply to DonaldC

    Thanks, kind of what I thought, but was hoping I missed something.  The report would make sense to me, but this was for a loan and the lender wanted pay stubs.

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