Unable to add Vendor or Customer


Just recently, Sage prevents us from adding a Vendor or a Customer.  Error says that it ... requires single user access.....  We've logged everyone out, rebooted server, tried adding from the server, restarted Actian Zen, nothing seems to work.  What is the resolution?  We did have a Audittr.dat error that required deleting the audittr.dat file.  Not sure if that was connected or not.

Release: Sage 50 Premium Accounting 2022

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    That error message typically means that a lock file has not been cleared from EITHER the server or a workstation. It's important to reboot not only the server, but also the workstations at the same time. If you find that the problem still exists after that, there are two other potential things that may be causing your issue: (1) A lock file has not cleared by rebooting - not all lock files have the extension of LCK; some have PTL, some are DAT, etc. We can manually remove the lock files if needed, not only in the Company data directory, but also in the data file subdirectory; or, (2) You may have a damaged Customer or Vendor file. If you are interested in working with us on this issue, please reach out.

    Tammi M. Ermerins ([email protected])

    Certified Sage 50/Peachtree Accounting & Crystal Reports Consultant & Trainer

    800-780-0700 / 954-961-0600, Visit Us on the Web at https://pcosupport.com