• Sage 50 US Edition SDK Download

    The current download links for the Sage 50 2024 SDK and Sage 50 2023 SDK are not currently functional. Can anyone please provide the current links for downloading these? Thank you! Tammi M. Ermerins ( [email protected] ) Certified Sage 50/Peachtree…
  • System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file c:\sage\peachtree\company\~PVSW~.LOC because its being used by another process

    I am having an issue even beginning an api session from the code below I get the above exception. The Actian Zen workgroup Engine has a lock on the file. // the main session into the Sage 50 application PeachtreeSession apiSession = new PeachtreeSession…
  • Sage 50 2023.0 SDK Php Integration

    Hi, We are tasked to develop a middleware using Sage 50 2023.0 SDK and Php. Is this possible using the COM implementation? Appreciate if you can provide samples. TA
  • COMUser and COMPassword

    Where can you reset the COM UserID and COM Password? What is the difference between the COM UserID and the Admin user? SDK documentation does not really explain what it is looking for in the call to GetApplication. Jean ptApp = (IApplication…
  • Read Only message when attempting to SAVE a new PurchaseOrder or PurchaseInvoice

    I need to know if the SDK will allow you to SAVE a PurchaseOrder or PurchaseInvoice So far no success. Getting error that the entity is READ-ONLY. Also, I do not see a "CREATE" method for purchase order lines or purchase invoice lines. I need…
  • Can you create and save a Purchase Invoice using the SAGE 50 2022 SDK?

    I'm getting a "read-only" error when attempting to save a Purchase Invoice in SAGE 50 using the 2022 SDK. I need to to know if this is supported or if I might be missing something that is causing this error.
  • Marking Jobs as inactive

    Hello, I have several (over 1000) jobs that I have to mark as inactive soon and can't seem to find a way to do this using the SDK. Unfortunately this is not a feature built into Sage 50 at the moment and marking jobs as inactive one by one takes a long…
  • The company could not be opened because the file COMPANY.DAT is missing or damaged.

    I have a third party application that integrates with Sage 50. After a client has copied their sandbox company to a new file for their production company, I am no longer able to open the Sage 50 company and receive the following error: I have seen…
  • How can we support multiple versions of Sage50

    We are a POS system using the COM component to integrate to Sage50. We have some stores that use Sage50 2020 (which is the version of our COM component) and this works fine. We have some that just installed the Sage50 2021 version, and our integration…
  • I/O Error on API call after server migration

    Recently, we had a client's Sage 50 server migrated. A full backup of the company file was taken, moved to the new server, and then the backup restored overwriting the company directory on the new server. We are able to log into the Sage 50 company on…
  • Import Unit Cost for Inventory Adjustments with the COM API

    I'm trying to import the Unit Cost field among others for Inventory adjustments via the COM Interface. For some reason this one field likes to remain at 0.00 even when making a positive adjustment with a value greater than 0.00. Here is an example of…
  • How can I get the last date the item was updated in the inventory?

    Hi Expert, Currently, I need to get last date and time the item was updated in the inventory and date and time when the item was created ,I did not find the field related from the method which can get the inventory information supported in the Sage…
  • 'Non-zero amount must be rounded to whole currency' Sage 50 SDK

    When trying to save a sales order using the Sage 50 SDK, I get the error: ``` 'Non-zero amount must be rounded to whole currency'...``` I've been able to save them using something like `_.Amount = _.CalculateAmount(_.Quantity, _.UnitPrice);` which…
  • Does Windows Service Connecting to Sage 50 US Via SDK Count As A User

    Our client has a five user license installation. We noticed that our windows service shows up as a user in login manager. Does this mean that a we need a new license for the windows service connecting to Sage 50 via the SDK?

    Hi , I am getting RPC_E_SERVERFAULT error while I am trying to exporting the data using COM API C# code. I am able to login into Sage using APIs,I can delete the transaction but the Specifically I can not do the export and getting this error. …
  • Actian GUID fields and Entity References

    Hello, I've written two programs that work together to generate real time reports out of Sage 50c. One program uses the SDK to create, update and delete data in Sage while the other uses ODBC to make sure the report data stays up to date. It's working…
  • Can The 2020 SDK Be Used For Sage 50 Premium Accounting 2016

    We are looking for a way to automatically create Sales Invoices and Sales Orders in our Sage 50 Accounting Premium 2016 using the SDK. There is no longer any link for the 2016 SDK. Can the 2020 SDK be used with Sage 50 Accounting 2016?
  • Can not set custom Sales tax amount

    I'm syncing orders from the eCommerce store to Sage 50 US using .net SDK. The sales tax amount is calculated based on different sales tax percentage. I can not configure each time in sage 50 as I make changes in tax percentage in the eCommerce store…
  • Peachtree 2010 SDK

    I could not get Peachtree 2010 SDK from sage officially. I read if there is someone on the board who has access to the file he/she can share it. So please share the SDK with me if you have access to it. Thanks!
  • In a server application would it be better to keep the Sage session and company open for a long time or to repeatedly open and close them for each transaction?

    I have a web application that allows users to enter sales and purchase orders and I am wondering what is the best practice. Repeatedly start a session, open the company, submit the order, close the company, end the session... Start a session at startup…
  • Vendor Names Changed On Save Without Any Reason

    This issue may or not be related to the Vendor.IsModified always being true ( https://www.sagecity.com/support_communities/sage50_accounting_us/f/sage-50-u-s-software-development-kit-sdk/132513/vendor-ismodified-is-always-true ). I'm posting it separately…
  • Vendor.IsModified is Always True?

    I'm trying to troubleshoot some problems I'm having, so I wrote a very simple .NET Framework v4.7.2 C# console application to narrow down where the problem is. One issue I've found is immediately after loading any Vendor record, IsModified is always true…
  • Connecting to external server takes very long

    Hello, I've created an application for Sage 50 using the SDK and I'm having a bit of an issue connecting to our company on a server. If I start a Peachtree session with a local company I created on my machine it works great but when I start a session…
  • COM API - switch company without open UI

    Hi, there, I am trying to see if we can using COM API to switch company without open Sage UI. The APIs we're looking are: OpenCompany and OpenCompanySecure Anything will help! Thanks
  • Mavenlink/Sage Integration

    We are in the process of converting to Mavenlink as our time keeping system and we need guidance from the SDK group to understand what we need to do in order to provide access to the Mavenlink IT team to our Sandbox account in order to understand how…