1099 NEC


Is anyone else having trouble printing 1099 NEC forms.  Last year I was able to print these myself without having to use Aatrix or their forms.  I was able to use the free ones I can pick up or order free from the government.  I am finding no way around it this year.  Very frustrating as much as Sage costs for my small business.  I know the Aatrix doesn't cost much but it's just the principal of not being able to get around it.  Any suggestions?  Thanks

  • +1
    verified answer

    Version 2021 was the last version that allowed you to use the FRM Files within Sage 50 to print on preprinted forms that you either buy from the office supply store or get free from the IRS. All versions after 2021 require that you print through Aatrix, either e-file or not, but they don't use preprinted forms - Federal Copy A and 1096 print in black (not required Red any longer), and the Recipient Copies print either on blank paper, or on perforated 4-UP forms that you can purchase from Sage Checks & Forms or other retailers.

    Tammi M. Ermerins ([email protected])

    Certified Sage 50/Peachtree Accounting & Crystal Reports Consultant & Trainer

    800-780-0700 / 954-961-0600, Visit Us on the Web at https://pcosupport.com

  • +1
    verified answer

    Version 2021 was the last version that allowed you to use the FRM Files within Sage 50 to print on preprinted forms that you either buy from the office supply store or get free from the IRS. All versions after 2021 require that you print through Aatrix, either e-file or not, but they don't use preprinted forms - Federal Copy A and 1096 print in black (not required Red any longer), and the Recipient Copies print either on blank paper, or on perforated 4-UP forms that you can purchase from Sage Checks & Forms or other retailers.

    Tammi M. Ermerins ([email protected])

    Certified Sage 50/Peachtree Accounting & Crystal Reports Consultant & Trainer

    800-780-0700 / 954-961-0600, Visit Us on the Web at https://pcosupport.com

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