Instruction Manuals


The two manuals that I'm in immediate need of are below but I will take any manuals that have been created for processes in Sage Business Works.

1. Does anyone that uses Sage Business works have any manuals that would help guide new employees on how to enter Sales Orders?  This is desperately needed and hoping someone already has one created they would be willing to share.

This would be under the module Order Entry/Orders/Maintain Sales Orders.

2. A manual on how to create customer invoices after deliveries have been made.  Order Entry/Invoices/Select Orders to Invoice/Manual

Thanks in advance for any and all that are willing to help out!

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi Chris,

    BusinessWorks does offer electronic manuals that provide basic information on setting up modules and parameters, which you might find useful. However, there are not any manuals that give step-by-step instructions for entering a Sales Order.

    To locate the Sage BusinessWorks manuals within the program, go to the ‘Electronic Manuals…’ option from the Sage BusinessWorks Welcome page. If you don’t see the Welcome Page, select View from the Launcher menu, then select Viewer and click the Welcome module.

    For additional training, Sage University is a great place to start. It offers video classes on Order Entry and Inventory Control, which work closely together, so understanding both is beneficial. Sage University offers three relevant classes:

    1. Processing Sales using Order Entry
    2. Inventory Control Basics
    3. Inventory Control Advanced

    You can also access help files from within the program. From the main launcher menu, select Help and choose the appropriate module. For help with individual tasks, after launching each task, there is either a “How Do I…” button or a “?” button that launches the help information for that specific task.

    If you have additional questions or would like to schedule an appointment with a support analyst, please reach out to our Live Chat team. To access Live Chat in the program, go to Help, then Live Chat, or visit the Sage BusinessWorks Resource Center at

