Running 13-6-21 is a listing of all reports in Sage. Some reports are showing "Apex Format". Never seen that before. What is this?
Are you seeing this in the name of some of the reports on the list? I am not seeing that in the current versions. Maybe you can post a screenshot and tell us what version and build of the software you have.
Yes, In the listing of the 13-6-1-21 report list, See pic attached, includes version.
Those appear to be custom reports. Is "Apex Format" included in the title of the report file?
Yes, these are custom reports. No "Apex Format" is not in the report title. Never seen it before in over 2,000 reports I've written.
These appear and the report number now no longer shows in the Sage menu report screen list. Both cases are a duplicate number in the 3-1-1 menu, one case is report 5, and one is report 6. The is also a valid report 5 and a report 6 in the list.
By any chance did these report files ever get copied to or modified on an Android mobile device? The Apex format is associated with the Android O/S.
It also seems to associated with the Oracle Apex Report tool.
These have exclusively been on Sage100Contractor. Thank you for your help. I will just ignore these for now. Not impeding my working (so far).
These have exclusively been on Sage100Contractor. Thank you for your help. I will just ignore these for now. Not impeding my working (so far).
*Community Hub is the new name for Sage City