Charge profit on some labor but not others


We use Sage 100 Contractor and bill Cost plus (T&M).  We have always charged a "profit" percentage on Cost Type 2 - Labor, which is easily done in 3-10-1. 

But now, we want to remove the "profit" percentage on some of our labor, but not all, based on cost code. I can do this by changing the cost type from 2 to any other cost type and making that cost type's profit 0.  

But, as soon as I change the Cost type from labor to any other cost type, it no longer recognizes it as labor, therefore it doesn't show the labor detail on any of the reports/invoices (employee name, hours, rate).

Can anyone think of a way I can keep the cost type as 2 (labor) - but not recognize a pofit on certain labor cost codes? 

(I hope I made this clear.  It seems like everyone uses Sage so differently I feel like we're all talking different languages.)