"Turn off" state tax for employer and employees (For NJ SDI)


Hello all and happy new year!

We are a New Jersey employer that has decided to opt out of the state sponsored SDI (TDI) plan and go with a private insurer (due to the cost savings to our company as well as our employees), effective 1/1/2020. 

I'm looking for tips on the best way to handle this.  Obviously I'll be setting up a new Deduct and Fringe to handle the new payments made to the new Insurer (Guardian). 

But I am wondering how to best "turn off" the NJSDI and NJSDI_E taxes so that we don't continue to generate amounts to remit to the state.

>I hesitate to delete the taxes (especially given that updates happen annually). 

>I could access each employee and edit their records and replace the amounts with zero, probably...

Is there a recommended method for putting a state tax "on hold" so that it doesn't apply to your company?

Thanks in advance for the intel...