Sage 300 Estimating Am I Able to Copy a Rate Table From One Database to Another?

I have several hours of work in a trio of rate tables in Database A. Now I need to copy (or move) those rate tables to Database B. How can I do that? 

Thanks in advance.


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    Hi   Joe,

    Thanks for reaching out! It looks like you're working with Sage 300 CRE and its Estimating module. This forum primarily focuses on the standalone Sage Estimating product, which might differ from what you're using. To assist you better, could you confirm if you're using Sage 300 CRE Estimating? Once we have that clarification, we can point you in the right direction or suggest some resources or next steps to help with copying or moving your rate tables. So far I only see the option to print a list of rate tables.

    Thanks in advance for your patience!

    Warm Regards,