Depreciation for AMT and State


Hello all.

I am adding assets to a new company, I want to make sure I have the conventions right. For the 5 and 7 year equipment, this is what I have:


Tax             MA 200           MACRS 200% DB with 168/179 bonus    


AMT          MA 150           MACRS 150% DB with 168/179 bonus    


STATE         MF 150           MACRS 150% DB without bonus


My big question is for state (with all the bonus removed), is MF150 the correct convention rather than MF200? There was another post and answer that pointed to page 329 in the 2009 Master Depreciation Guide, which was helpful, but cannot locate it at the time of this post. Since the assets are all PIS in 2016, 50% is the appropriate sec 168/179 percent, right (not for state, but for Tax and AMT)?


One more question: for the switch from MACRS to SL, does FAS have this baked in to the MA200 (or MA150 etc) convention, or would I have to manually switch the conventions to SL myself at the optimal time?


Thank you in advance, I have found this forum absolutely essential.

