Portable Barcode Scanner comparability



We would like to check if the current handheld devices can be used for SageX3 Fixed Asset. Also the same question for the Sage Fixed Asset scanner app V2.2? Because one of our customers in Asia would like to look for the solution but we do understand that Sage Fixed Asset is not selling in Asia so we have very limited information. 

Thank you.


  • 0

    Hello Claudia,

    First, I know nothing about the Sage X3 Fixed Assets.

    That screen shot of the readers you included, which I cannot seem to find, are for older no longer supported scanners.

    The closest I came was on Sage Fixed Assets | Features | Sage US where all the way at the bottom of the page there are two scanners listed, the Unitech PA760 and the Unitech EA630 which are the scanner devices we sell, but any mobile phone, tablet, or barcode scanner device should work if the Sage FA Scanner is found in the Google Play store.

    See Sage Fixed Assets Scanner FAQs for more information on the scanner app.


  • 0 in reply to Delray

    Hi Delray,

    Thanks for your reply!

    In Sage X3, we have a built in Fixed Asset as below. I'm not so sure if it works the same with Sage FA?

    I have tried to download the app Sage FA Scanner but it returned the error that the app is not available in my country. It means that my customers can't purchase the Sage Fixed Asset license and they also can't use the 2 handhelds that you mentioned earlier because the apps is not supported? 

    Thank you.


  • 0 in reply to Claudia Ngo

    Yes, I am aware that it exists, but I have never had an opportunity to play around in the X3 system to know how it works. I do know that the X3 Fixed Assets is not the same thing as the Sage Fixed Assets program, but how they differ I could not say.

    It is still possible to get the scanner app on the device. Due to some changes which were made to OneDrive we need to make the APK available before the next update was due out which can be found in Error on downloading Inventory to Android Device where you will be looking for the SFA Scanner app 2.1 section all the way at the bottom. The trick is in getting the device to connect to the computer to be able to copy the APK file across.

    Of course, it will do you no good if you do not have the Sage Fixed Assets Tracking module.


  • 0 in reply to Delray

    Hi Delray,

    Thanks for the info. 

    My customer can install the app in his mobile phone but now he is facing with the configuration to start using scanner. May I know if you have the guide for this app? 

    Thanks again for your kind help!


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