• Disposing a Fixed Asset - No General Ledger Posting

    I am trying to dispose of a fixed asset and when I try posting this to my General Ledger to completely dispose of it, no dollar amount posts. Can someone help me to understand why? I disposed of it on 7/15/2024 and did the General Ledger period end, but…
  • 1031 Exchange

    Good morning, Has anyone done a 1031 Exchange disposal in sage? Just want to confirm if I should select Taxable Exchange as the disposal method. Thanks,
  • Sage Fixed Assets - Premier Depreciation (version 2024.1)

    I am trying to run depreciation through Global Task Manager as I usually run it every month. I've selected the same batch, updated the Select Events to the period I want to run depreciation. I've ran the batch, but it didn't depreciate. Then, I've deleted…
  • Opting out of 168 for 2023 for our 3 year assets

    Our accounting firm has come back and would like us to opt out of the 168 for 2023 for our 3 year assets. What is the best way to make this update being we have already added all assets and run all depreciation for 2023.
  • Adding an Asset to the Depreciation List

    I am adding 2 servers to my fixed assets. I want to do it as one line. The total cost of both servers is $25,000. Under quantity, I put 2. Do I need to split the acquisition value to $12,500 or can I leave it at $25,000. I don't want it to take the value…
  • Is it possible allocate one asset to multiple Depreciation Expense accounts?

    Does any version have the capability to allocate one asset to multiple Depreciation Expense accounts rather than setting up multiple assets? Thanks.
  • integrating fully depreciated assets

    We acquired a company where all the assets were fully depreciated. I am trying to add the fully depreciated assets to our Sage Fixed Assets program. How do I add an asset with value that is already fully depreciated?