We did the Q1 2024 update today and now it seems the Precheck register and Payroll register isn't coming out the same as it did last week. With the crystal updates am i missing something that needs to change? I know something went from 7.3 to 8.0 do we need to move crystal report somewhere? I'm wondering if it's printing out different reports because of this change? Thinking of the path here?
C:\ProgramData\Sage\SageHRMSServer\Payroll\CustomReports\UP80A\ENG <--this is blank but all of our DLLs and rpt files are in this path C:\ProgramData\Sage\SageHRMSServer\Payroll\CustomReports\UP73A
if there is nothing in that UP80A folder where do I just copy everything from UP73A?