Alabama State Withholding deductions stopped


We have 10 employees who have AL SWT.  There were deductions taken the 1st quarter of the year. On the first pay date of Q2, Apr 5, 3 employees did not have any AL State withholding deductions.

On the 2nd pay date of Q2, Apr 19, another employee did not have any AL State Withholding, for a total of 4 employees.  These employees had SWT for every pay day in 2023, and Q1 2024.

Is there some change on Alabama State Withholding that went into effect for Q2 2024?

Thank you,

Debbie Moran 

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    With the Q2 update, there were instructions to handle Alabama employee overtime, which is not subject to Alabama withholding in 2024. It's possible that with that change (assuming you followed the instructions to set that up), along with the employees filing status/dependents/personal exemption, they are below the threshold for withholding. 

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    With the Q2 update, there were instructions to handle Alabama employee overtime, which is not subject to Alabama withholding in 2024. It's possible that with that change (assuming you followed the instructions to set that up), along with the employees filing status/dependents/personal exemption, they are below the threshold for withholding. 

  • 0 in reply to Paralea

    I researched the matter, and that is not the case.  Alabama does not have a max on State Withholding.  I compared YTD 2024 to Y/E 2023, and all employees had greater earnings on Dec 31, 2023,  than YTD 2024, and still had SWT withheld.

    Yes, OT that is true OT (over 40 hour work week), does not have SWT.  I checked this when it was implemented, and it was working correctly in Q1 2024.  Any employees who had exempt OT, were set up with a separate earning code (OTX) and no SWT is withheld from those earnings, but SWT was withheld correctly on Regular Pay and OT that was not exempt.

    On the most current pay day, that was paid today, 4/19/2024, the employees who had no AL SWT did all have OTX (exempt) earnings.

    The common denominator seems to be, for Q2 earnings only, that anyone paid on earning code OTX (OT exempt from AL SWT), did not have ANY SWT taken out, even though they had other earnings besides the exempt OT.

    Q1 2024 appears to have worked correctly, so it seems that it only began after the Q1 2024 update done 3/27/2024 before the first processing of Q2 earnings.  Q1 was processed under version V10.7067, the upgrade done on 3/27/2024 is version V.10.7069
