Archived employee issue


As far as we know, we have never archived any employees, yet when we tried to add a new employee today with ID 7458, we were told that , "Employee ID 7458 cannot be used. It is associated with an archived employee." 

Since we haven't archived any employees, is there another reason we might get this message?

Where does the archived data live and can we look that up anywhere? I've searched every which way for that ID number and nothing pulls up.

Any thoughts about how to resolve this issue are appreciated.

  • +1
    verified answer

    For future reference, I learned the following information after reaching out to Sage Support.

    While we have never intentionally archived any employees, if you delete an employee Sage creates an Archive record automatically. I'm guessing this is what may have happened in our case.

    Archived employee data lives in SQL and in order to re-use an employee ID, the ID has to be removed from SQL by running a script. This is something for which you must reach out to your Sage business partner to discuss and help you with.