Q3 2024 Update Questions -- Q2 can't be skipped now, how do we reinstall the payroll check print server, and ESS installation instructions are missing


1.  In The Release notes on page 16 it states that to install this release you have to be on the Q2 2024 version. Does this mean to upgrade we cannot skip to the latest quarterly release any longer and will have to install Q2 2024 before any later ones?

2. In the Release notes on page 16 it says to take advantage of the longer check numbers we have to reinstall the Sage Payroll Check Print Server -- there are no instructions for this in the release notes nor in the knowledgebase. How do we do this?

3. There are no instructions for installing the ESS update in the release notes.  

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    verified answer

    @Paralea, Below you will find updates to your questions: 

    1. The release notes have been updated: Sage HRMS product updates are cumulative. This means that supported taxes, rates, and forms, all previous updates for this product and version, and any hot fixes or patches previously released are incorporated into this update. Sage HRMS Employee Self Service product updates include the full product build. Important! With every release, we test 2 versions back of Sage HRMS. For this release, you should be on Q1 2024 or later to upgrade to Q3.

     2. Check Field Number Expansion to 15 Digits We have made changes to the desktop version of Sage HRMS to support the Sage 300 Payroll change to allow check numbers to be up to 15 characters. Note: If you are using Custom Checks and want to take advantage of the increased check number field length, you must reinstall the Sage Payroll Check Print Server after upgrading to Q3 2024. Reach out to Sage HRMS Customer Support, if you already use custom checks and need the increased field length. You can also reach out to Customer Support if you are interested in purchasing the Custom Checks add-on.

     3. The release notes have been updated to include instructions on how to install the Sage HRMS Employee Self Service update.

  • 0 in reply to Beth W

    Thanks Beth! You rock, as usual!  One more question to clarify: The Sage Payroll Print Server is part of a Custom Checks add-on that can be purchased from Sage, and not part of the normal installation? The normal installation and normal Crystal Check forms can immediately take advantage of the expanded check number field with only the quarterly update?

  • 0 in reply to Beth W

    Thanks Beth! You rock, as usual!  One more question to clarify: The Sage Payroll Print Server is part of a Custom Checks add-on that can be purchased from Sage, and not part of the normal installation? The normal installation and normal Crystal Check forms can immediately take advantage of the expanded check number field with only the quarterly update?

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