• Employee Supplemental Information for various States requiring this information for Aatrix government reporting

    In what database is the information from the Employee Supplemental Information detail stored?
  • Employee Photos - not showing for employees terminated prior to 2021

    Edit: A subfolder for current employees was added in 2021, which must be connected to why termed employees prior to 2021 no longer have an employee photo in HRMS. Any advice on how to correct this issue so that we don't have go through each termed employee…
  • Adding new GL Accounts

    I need to add 500 or more GL accounts and Description using SQL UPDATE statement. Which tables and columns need to be updated?
  • Which tables does SageHRMS use when posting payroll checks to ESS?

    Need to know which tables SageHRMS uses when posting Payroll checks to ESS.
  • YTD Totals

    Does anyone know if the Sage HRMS Payroll database has a table where they accumulate YTD totals for earning/deductions codes, plus the taxes codes?
  • Termination

    Whenever HR terminates an employee, this message comes up at the end. Any Suggestions? Thanks.
  • HRMS 2016 database encryption with SQL 2016

    We would like to be able to encrypt the databases that HRMS and TimeStar use. After talking with phone support they have told us that is not a current feature, I hope this is the correct forum to post this as a feature request. Preferably whole database…