Hours billed sorted by client and by rate

Our firm works for a large insurance company and we have many clients under the insurance company's umbrella. I need a report that shows the number of hours billed for those clients in the past year and I need it broken down by rate (i.e. Partner, Associate, and Paralegal). In addition, some of the client files may have been closed in the past year, but I need to include those as well.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! :-) 

  • 0

    Some of this is going to depend on how your matters are setup to be able to select by insurance company. With the breakout by rate level, would need to have a field on the timekeepers showing level or title. 

    This would like be possible using the slip listing report with totals and some filters. 

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    Thank you, Caren2! I've been messing with the slip listing reports but I can't get it. The report function is just not intuitive in my opinion. We do have set rate levels for each client.

  • 0 in reply to HMLaw

    I could provide assistance but it would be billable. 

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    I thought the purpose of the Sage City was to find answers without fees. I chatted with Sophia and she said I'm out of tickets ... which is odd as it's the second day of the year. In any event, I was able to put together a report with everything I was looking for with the exception of closed files - I can't find a option for including those.

  • 0 in reply to HMLaw

    For the closed files, right click on the list of clients to see the list of closed or inactive clients and add them to your selection. You will need to make sure you don't have a filter for client classification = open.

    Sage City is designed for asking questions. Some things are relatively straight forward and some things are more complex than can be handled in a group like this. There are consultants like myself that try to help. If you need something more complex we are also available to help one on one but that is for a fee. If you are on Timeslips Premium you can get support directly from Sage using chat support. 

  • 0 in reply to Caren2

    Thanks again, Caren2. I am on Premium, but I downgraded my support package because we were spending a lot and using it a little. My questions are largely centered around reporting and they are few and far between. I truly appreciate your help with this. Have a great day!