Timeslips 2020 - Emailing bills stopped sending


We've been using Timeslips for many years.  Currently running version 2020.  About October 2024 our Timeslips apparently stopped sending out our emailed bills (all settings are the same from when it worked for years previously.)

We receive the report that all e-mail messages have been sent.  No errors present.  However, when we open outlook there are no outgoing or sent messages.  We are receiving feedback from the clients that the messages were never received.

Any help is greatly appreciated. 

  • +1
    verified answer

    As Sage Timeslips 2020 is an unsupported (by Sage) product, you might find getting support challenging. Refer to a consultant in this forum for assistance.

    In general email issues are related to incompatible versing of Outlook. For instance, with Timeslips 2020, only the 32-bit version is compatible. If you have a new computer, it likely came with the 64-bit version pre-installed. That will only work with current versions of Timeslips Premium, TS2020's replacement.  Or you could have multiple versions of Outlook or the Windows Mail app conflicting with one another. 

    Even the "New Outlook" program is a possible issue. Disable and uninstall it regardless as it's a cloud based application, and not actually an installed program on your computer. 

    Hope this helps get you started!