TS Premium Elite 2024 - Sorting slip based reports (including bills) by reference gives incorrect totals


Hi All

Has anyone noticed or had this happen to them. Eg: Generate bill/billing worksheet or any slip based report for a single matter using reference as the primary sort - The report produces a random total and excludes a number of slips. No rhyme or reason as to why slips have been excluded. If I run the same report with the only change being removal of reference as the sort key, the totals and included slips are correct.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

PS: I have refreshed, logged out and in. I've confirmed it is not related to the billing template as it occurs with canned reports as well; I am not using reference as a filter, only a sort key.


Karen Lordan
Deepak Sareen Associates


  • 0

    Hey Karen:

    Sorry to hear about the chooks, but the vacation house looks like it is going to be FABULOUS. :-)

    As for the reference totals being incorrect. I would first make sure they are on the latest release of Premium.

    Then, if it still won't work, export to EXCEL and try a pivot table.

    Nancy Duhon, Esq.
    Duhon Technology Solutions, LLC
    Master Certified Consultant for Sage Timeslips
    Providing individual Consultations and Third Party Remote Desktop Support - including older/unsupported versions.
    [email protected]

  • 0 in reply to Nancy Duhon

    Hi Nancy

    Thanks for your response. Yes, they are on the latest service release Disappointed

    As for the chooks, my dog, Banjo has taken to following them around all day, so hopefully the fox will stay away. Re house, I almost have a kitchen and bathroom.



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