Users cannot print from TimeSlips company-wide


Hi All.

We have a problem that I thought was isolated just to printing reports with a couple users, however it looks like anyone trying to print, even slips, gets the same error. For users printing reports, we've been printint to PDF as a work-a-round, however no such luck for individual slips.

Since it appears network-wide, and I did recently make changes to network rights to shared drives after a virus, I believe it's probably related to security permissions as the error indicates. However, I've given EVERYONE full permission to both the drive that contains the TS Reports file as well as the subsequent TimeSlps folders.

Also, thinking maybe the TS Reports files may have gotten corrupted, I've replaced the entire "Report Templates folder  as well. At this point I'm not quite sure how to proceed. I noticed another user having similar problems here, but that thread hasn't gotten much traction.

Any suggestions?