• Odd Timekeeper Collections report and tab behavior

    Timeslips 2020. The Collections by Period report is incorrect for one Timekeeper. Narrowed down error to one payment for one client. The invoice involved is for $35717.50. Fees are $35687.50 and Costs are $30.00. Payment in full was received, and…
  • Deposit Slips

    Our current deposit slips show the Check #, but it's always blank where we've entered cash or credit card. Is it possible to have that visible on the deposit slip? We've entered it into the AR field as cash or credit card - but it won't show that information…
  • Email Logs

    I just finalized my bills for this month and forgot to print the email log of all clients that received their bill via email. How can I access this again?
  • Printing Bills

    When bills are printed, a slip sheet is being printed with it which includes the BILLING ACCTNT name. Where I can I remove this unwanted option so that it's not being generated/printed with bills?
  • Client funds accounts and prebills

    When printing prebills in batches, is it possible to only print client fund accounts on the clients that have client funds accounts or a balance in the client funds account? If I check the button in Options, it prints on all prebills because there is…
  • Client Listing Report

    Hello: I would like to run a report of the following information: names of all master clients, with their address, city, state, zip code, phone number and their client contact (we have the client contact name in a custom field). I'd love to pull only…
  • Will Timeslips generate separate PDF's for each bill?

    Hello all, Will Timeslips generate separate PDF's for each bill/client? We APPROVE batches of invoices by Billing Attorney. Right now, ALL of the bills in that batch are saved on one PDF. We have to email bills to our clients so that means we have…
  • Flat Fee

    I ran a months bills, then realized there were missed slips from a few months ago, so I ran another set of bills with the missing time slips (so our client would get a clear picture of the regular bill and the missed time bill). When I ran the second…
  • Split Bill Issue

    Hello, I setup a 50/50 split bill; the bills split correctly, but they do not print separate invoices for each client. It prints as if they are consolidated matters, which I do not want. It does assign different invoices numbers. I have two different…
  • billed fees on reports not matching

    At the end of the month, we run the slip profitability by period using just the date as a parameter (i.e. 3/1/2024-3/31/2024). We also run a user defined invoice listing for the month using clients classification - open, and invoice number range for the…
  • Timekeeper Collections by Period - Unassigned

    I thought I once knew this but I cannot for the life of me remember. A client is getting a line item for "Unassigned" in the Timekeeper Collections by Period. Does anyone know where this comes from? I wish I could remember!!!
  • Accounts Receivable Report by Timekeeper?

    Hello Sage Forum, What's the best way for me to run an A/R report by Timekeeper? Our Timekeeper in question is not the billing, originating or managing attorney. She is helping out other attorneys. Thanks for your help.
  • Sage Timeslip does not recognized printer

    Hi One of the computer in the office have a Brother printer default and is working great. But, when I open timeslips and click Printer Setup does not detect it. I have done everything I can yet have that issue with Timeslip 2019. Does anyone know what…
  • Billing Email Issue for Sage Timeslips Premium Elite 2023

    I receive an error message when I try to Email a bill to clients. I have all boxes checked and then I tell it to email to clients, I make sure the client's name is checked & email is correct. I then receive a message that says "Sending emails was completed…
  • Report formatting to analyze realization

    The report "User History by Period" seems to reflect the total slip values "Billable Fees" (hours x user charge rate on slips actually billed during specific period) and actual charges billed "Actual Fees" (actual amount billed for specific slips for…
  • Error Message when exporting to Excel

    Hi, We are currently running Sage Timeslips 2018. When i try to export certain reports such as "Client Monthly Billing" report to MS excel i receive the following message however neither of those boxes are checked: Thanks in advance!!
  • client balances

    I need a report to show each client balance, no transactions, just the balance, what I'm trying to do is see which clients have credit balances. So, I'd like a report to exclude clients with zero balances and only include those who owe us or those we…
  • A/R Reports for a selected time period, including closed and inactive clients

    Is there a way to generate an accounts receivable report for a time period that includes matters that are closed or inactive?
  • Not yet applied

    Is there a report that shows accounts that have amounts sitting in "not yet applied"? I have found a few clients where that's the case, and now I'm wondering if there are others that I don't know about.
  • Pre-bill worksheet

    I believe I may have accidentially changed default settings or settings when in the "REPORT ENTRY: Pre-bill Worksheet" box. I am trying to print/save a Pre-bill worksheet for a specific time period for a specific list of clients. I chose the time period…
  • Timeslips 2020 Bill Pagination

    I just upgraded from TS 2019 to 2020. Everything seemed to transfer over correctly including my billing layouts however, when I go to run bills, the bills don't look right. The page dimensions are still set to "Letter" but the design layout runs from…
  • Sending bills via Outlook 64 bit

    Has anyone successfully tested this yet? Claire Barnes Integrated Visions Inc
  • Report Billable vs. non-billable hours

    Sage Premium Elite I need a simple report showing billable and non-billable hours by attorney, by month. For example, this month I would run a report that shows: Attorney Jones September October Billable 150 155 Non-billable 25 20 …
  • Total Billed in a month

    Is there a report I can run that shows the total amount billed in a specific time period? For example, I billed some clients between Nov 7th and Nov. 13th. I'd like to know the total amount billed in that time period. Thank you.
  • emailing bills

    I can only send one email at a time. Then I have to exit TS and re login to be able to send another bill. Anyone face this issue?