Importing Clients and Projects

I am curious to know the best practice for importing clients and their corresponding matters/projects. I've looked for an excel template so I can see every option for importing information and the correct value for input (ex: yes/no vs true/false). Once I have imported all of my clients what is the best way to then import their projects? Can someone please point me in the right direction. Thank you!

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    Hi Micall,

    The import facility in Sage Timeslips Anywhere (STA) is flexible according to your data you want to import.  A standard Excel template is unnecessary as you match the data you have to mate up with the STA available fields.

    What is your definition of "Projects"? STA has two concepts, one utilizing the Nickname 1 field to define individual projects as though they are separate billable clients. The second is using the Reference field to allow separation of time entries, all billed on the same client and typically on one invoice. 

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    Hi Micall,

    The import facility in Sage Timeslips Anywhere (STA) is flexible according to your data you want to import.  A standard Excel template is unnecessary as you match the data you have to mate up with the STA available fields.

    What is your definition of "Projects"? STA has two concepts, one utilizing the Nickname 1 field to define individual projects as though they are separate billable clients. The second is using the Reference field to allow separation of time entries, all billed on the same client and typically on one invoice. 

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    Hi Rogers! Thank you for the reply. I see your point about the template but having a listing of available import fields would be helpful so I can better create a spreadsheet to import. As it stands, I do not have a comprehensive report that includes all client data and instead must build one for which a template would be helpful.

    Projects are what I consider matters. We have clients who will have multiple matters, which we bill separately but all fall under one client. Oftentimes, a single payment will be made by a client and applied across multiple matters therefore it is easier to have them all linked by client name.

    Hope this clarifies things.