Troubleshoot Web scheduling Analytics Total Import issue for X3 Interface GraphQL service

1 minute read time.

You may have installed or upgraded Web Scheduling to current release. As first step you are trying run Total Import in Analytics and experiencing issues.

Below details may assist you to troubleshoot the issues experienced for GraphQL Interface.


We need to make sure that for sedApta Web Scheduling installed version is having correct compatibility X3 service version. For instance,

  • Web Scheduling 2023.3.0 (Only compatible with Sage X3 2024 R1 release) must have X3services 41.0.35.
  • Previous Web scheduling 2023.1.12 (Only compatible with Sage X3 2023R2) must have X3 services 35.0.35

X3 service version details is available in package.jason file in the installed X3 service directory

Verify GraphQL Interface is running without issue.

In browser enter https://[Server name ]:[Port Number]/xtrem/explorer/

Verify if we have correct setup in appssetting.jason files available in X3_Interface_GraphQL folder.

Activating Log file:

To capture more details during Total Import process you could set Logger minimum level to Trace in Log.Config file available in X3_Interface_GraphQL folder

To capture more information , you could set xtreem to Debug mode in Syracuse administration Global setting

Note: You must restart Safe X3 Agent Syracuse Server NODE0 and Sage X3 Interface GraphQL service so that the changes can take effect for logging.

Run Total Import in Analytics

Before running Total Import make sure you apply parameter

Log files verifications:

sedApta X3Interface(GraphQL) log

  • The log file is available in C:\ProgramData\sedApta\logs\X3InterfaceService folder.
  • You could verify all the query/mutation that the Total Import process runs to import the records

  • If the issue is experienced in specific query, to identify if the issue is related to specific record(s) you could copy the query and run it is graphQL explorer window

If you have identified the issue record, you could fix the issue in X3 (Perhaps issue with Site, Work Order, etc.)  and re-run the Total Import process.

If the issue is related to mutation run the mutation is graphQL explorer window.

Make sure the webservice used by the mutation is available  and published (Global) for the folder

Xtreem Log

 Syracuse Log now capture xtrem activities, you could verify if the issue related to any setup.


Do not forget to revert the logging setup to avoid performance and diskspace issue.