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New Runtime & ADXAdmin HOTFIX 96.1.222 for 2023R2 (12.0.34) and 96.2.100 for 2024R1 (12.0.35) & 2024R2 (12.0.36) Has Been Posted!

To access this download, visit our Sage Knowledgebase Site HERE, then scroll down to locate the Download Sage X3 Version 2024R1 (12.0.34) and look for Download HOTFIX Sage X3 Runtime and ADXAdmin 96.1.222 in the related resources (towards the bottom) OR Download Sage X3 Version 2024R1 (12.0.35) and look for Download HOTFIX Sage X3 Runtime and ADXAdmin 96.2.100 in the related resources (towards the bottom) OR Download Sage X3 Version 2024R2 (12.0.36) and look for Download HOTFIX Sage X3 Runtime and ADXAdmin 96.2.100 in the related resources (towards the bottom).

Once you enter the download section, you will be prompted to login to your Sage Portal Account.

These new versions of Runtime & ADXAdmin include the following updates:

  • On Sage X3 and Sage X3 Warehousing instances with 3 folder levels or a historical folder, you might experience an issue with script validation caused by the runtime. Scripts may be corrupted when you validate a window, screen, function, script, etc.

EXTRA: For a complete list of available Sage X3 full-product downloads and patch updates, see the Sage X3 Download Portal