Sage Shop Floor Control


We have a question regarding Sage Shop Floor Control (the new cloud-based application):


According to the Spec Sheet from the above link, we understand that this should be a ready-to-use app and we wanted to test it and test it's usage together with Sage X3

Can you please assist with identifying the application download link? Does it have to be downloaded from Sage? From Google Play/App Store/Microsoft Store?

Thank you!

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    from my understanding is that you still have to pay for a license to use it. the best thing to do is contact a sales rep to get the proper information on how to purchase and connect to your sage x3 environment.

    This is the only information i could find on it for you without talking to the Sales team.

    •  Shop Floor Control
      • Part of Sage X3 (not a 3rd party ISV)
      • Requires Manufacturing Base License
      • Annual subscription only
        • Not available as perpetual license
      • Select price tier based on the quantity of manufacturing resources (shop floor operators + machines) required by the customer

    There is also an overview class on Sage X3 Shop Floor Control that may also help. You can find course from the link below along with other associated courses.