Order Selection Left List for Purchase Receiving is Empty!


Not sure what happened, but overnight it seems the left list from which users select the PO to be received is no longer populating with any records. Has anyone else had this happen? If so, any hints as to how to get it back? Any insights would be much appreciated!

  • 0

    The display of content in the left list for the PO selection left list is determined by two factors, access control to the site indicated on the header screen ([M:PTH0]PRHFCY) and the value in the left list filter variable FILGAUSUP. Most likely this has to do with an access control issue, given that direct access control is applied to the left list, but not the lookup of a PO directly within the grid (** that access restriction is only applied later). Verify the user access rights to the site specified on the header screen. Following that consider running an "Access code update" for their "Functional profile" using the "Cancel and replace" option. 

  • 0 in reply to Regard Hulsbos


    Thanks for the response! The issue has been resolved. There was an invoice that was imported via DocLink that did not have a receipt number. One that was resolved everything was right in the world again.

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