Batch Server running but not processing new tasks.



Lately, some of our X3 servers are having problems with the batch server.
It's running normally until it stops processing tasks, while maintaining the status as running.

I've enabled the logs under Administration, Settings, Global Settings for the batch options to silly and ended up getting some additional info.

N0 Logs example:
batch.server | info | BatchServer_X3V12 end control loop
batch.server | info | BatchServer_X3V12 begin control loop The batch controller can handle 8 queries simultaneously
batch.server | warn | BatchServer_X3V12 previous loop not ended !!!
batch.server | warn | BatchServer_X3V12 previous loop not ended !!!
batch.server | warn | BatchServer_X3V12 previous loop not ended !!!
batch.server | silly | ProcessLock_batch controlLock
batch.server | silly | ProcessLock_batch batch_APPSERVER_N0_11544 has still the lock
batch.server | warn | BatchServer_X3V12 previous loop not ended !!!
batch.server | warn | BatchServer_X3V12 previous loop not ended !!!
batch.server | silly | ProcessLock_batch controlLock
batch.server | silly | ProcessLock_batch batch_APPSERVER_N0_11544 has still the lock

serveur.tra file under Folders\X3\SRV\TRA stops writing new information.
On windows event viewer can't find anything that matches the time batch server stops processing new tasks.

What am I missing? is there an approach to solve this issue?

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