Use mssql Server on Linux (RHEL)



Is it possible to use the mssql server on RHEL with SageX3. On my installation ISO there is a dbsql and a dbora directory. The installation of dbora would work, when I try to install the dbsql component, I get the error: "osrequrement failed" after the splash screen.
It is a RHEL Sql server, which I have set up in the Azure cloud. The SQL server is running and is configured for SageX3.
I'm already irritated that the file name of the installer contains "win".

java -jar db-sql-3.0.1-win.jar

Is there an extra installer for Linux, or does SageX3 not support SQL Server on Linux?

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  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    Unfortunately, I rejoiced too soon. Although the solution has been created, it has not yet been configured. The database configuration works, but an ODBC error occurs when configuring the application.

    I am probably doing something wrong when creating the "sagex3" database. It did not exist and I therefore created it manually. This is what my odbc.ini currently looks like:

    # A_D_O_N_I_X_Solution_ODBC_START : SAGEX3
    [ODBC Data Sources]
    SAGEX3 = MSSQL Server
    Description = MSSQL Server
    Driver = /opt/microsoft/msodbcsql18/lib64/
    Server = tcp:,1433
    Database = sagex3
    Encrypt = yes
    TrustServerCertificate = yes
    TDS_Version = 7.4
    # A_D_O_N_I_X_Solution_ODBC_END : SAGEX3

    A connection using isql works.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    From your Sage X3 Console, at Runtime section:

    Encrypt = No

    Trust Server Certificate = Yes.

    Did you customize MS SQL Server to support certificate access? If so, which Sage X3 version and patch level?

  • 0 in reply to chunheng
    Did you customize MS SQL Server to support certificate access?

    I assume not, is there a guide on how I can do this?
    I have installed x3-12.0.35.iso from the ISO.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    From SQL Server, I cannot comment.

    From Sage X3 side:  ALERT: Using Microsoft SQL Server secure connections with Sage X3 

  • 0 in reply to chunheng

    Is it also possible to establish the connection without a certificate?
    This is my current configuration:

    And this is a screenshot of a Sage employee performing an installation on a Windows server.

    There are two additional parameters in the runtime: Connection Encryption and Trust Server Certificate.
    These two parameters are not there at my configuration.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    I wonder how it even works to add a new parameter in the console.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    Does nobody really know that? I have to set two new parameters in the console that are not there yet, how does that work?
    The two parameters exist in solutions.xml and I have entered the values there. Unfortunately, the console ignores the newly set parameters.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    You need to be trained. You don't add parameters to the console, you click on "expert mode" button to have all the parameters appear. I'm sending an agenda today or tomorrow.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    I have not seen parameters disappear from the console but that likely means they are not relevant to your configuration. So adding them back manually, I would expect them to be ignored. Unfortunately, I do not have the answer to how you move forward.

    If you are a business partner, the support team can either assist via a support ticket, or engage the Sage expert services to consult with you. If you are a customer, please consult with your Sage partner on this implementation.

  • 0 in reply to Bruno Gonzalez

    Hello Bruno,

    Thank you very much for your reply. We know each other, I work at BRZ Germany and we already had a few team meetings. This is my first attempt to install SageX3 on a Linux server. I got further than I thought, now I'm stuck in the console with an ODBC error when configuring the application.

  • +1 in reply to Phil Kennedy
    verified answer
    I have not seen parameters disappear from the console but that likely means they are not relevant to your configuration.

    Ok, I didn't know that, I had assumed that I needed these two parameters because of the error.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    Hi  ,
    Yes I recognized you. Slight smile
    Problem Linux isn't officially supported yet for X3, it will be soon, but until then there isn't really anyone that easily assist you.
    I've sent a proposal to BRZ to cover proper training for X3 installation and how to automate/script it.
    I'll add some Linux details to it.

  • 0 in reply to Bruno Gonzalez

    Hi Bruno,
    Thank you very much,
    We need the instructions specifically for Linux, because we want to use Linux.

  • 0 in reply to Bruno Gonzalez

    What confuses me is that the two parameters I need are in the Solutions.xml file.

    However, they are not displayed in the console, not even in expert mode.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    Did you install the latest X3 console 2.59 ?

  • 0 in reply to Bruno Gonzalez

    yes, im using

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    I do have them as well on my 2024R1 VM.

    You should see it on the last block for runtime.
    It might be because you're on Linux. As I already mentioned, Linux is not supported officially for SQL Server at the moment. It can work, but you need to mingle with some parameters and if you hit a blocker, Sage won't be able to support you.

  • 0 in reply to Bruno Gonzalez

    As you can see on the screenshot, the mssql server works on the Linux RHEL machine. I can successfully connect to the server via ODBC.
    The server accepts the connection without encryption.
    This is also defined in the /etc/odbc.ini. Why SageX3 does not take this information from /etc/odbc.ini, but needs it as a separate parameter is rather unfortunate. I don't see these parameters in the console, but this is rather an error of the console and not an error of the SQL server.

    I will now take a closer look at LauncherSolution. Maybe I can use it to set the encryption parameter. I am already automating the installation process and 90% of the installation is already running automatically. The only thing missing at the moment is the creation of the solution.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    What is also interesting is that the configuration does not stop at the ODBC error, but continues to run and then stops here:

    06.08.2024 15:54:34 ERROR - Error while executing : NOK. (LibAdm.RunCreateUserMainUnix)
    ConvertTo-SecureString: Parameter cannot be processed because the parameter name 'P' is ambiguous. Possible matches include: -ProgressAction -PipelineVariable.

    06.08.2024 15:54:35 FATAL - Configuration aborted
    06.08.2024 15:54:35 FATAL - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    06.08.2024 15:54:35 FATAL - Error during component configuration !

    A parameter "P" is set there, which is apparently ambiguous and therefore leads to an abort.

    The "" script, which is generated during the configuration of LauncherSolution, looks like this:

    # Usage : [system password] [SQLAdmin password sax3] [Db Folder password]
    . /Sage/SAGEX3/runtime/.profile
    export ADXDIR=/Sage/SAGEX3/runtime;
    export DB_NAM=\SAGEX3,1433
    export DOSS_REF=X3
    cd /Sage/SAGEX3/folders/X3/FILPLAT


    /Sage/SAGEX3/runtime/ebin/adcrapss7 -o X3 -s sagex3  -u sax3 -p $1 -P $2 -r X3 -x NO  -d 160 -i 80  -t SQLSERVER -c NO


    The "-P" parameter marked in red generates an error and causes the configuration to be aborted.
    LauncherSolution unfortunately generates exactly the same error as the console, although I pass a separate xml file here, where the parameter "component.runtime.connection.odbcencrypt" is set to "No".