Use mssql Server on Linux (RHEL)



Is it possible to use the mssql server on RHEL with SageX3. On my installation ISO there is a dbsql and a dbora directory. The installation of dbora would work, when I try to install the dbsql component, I get the error: "osrequrement failed" after the splash screen.
It is a RHEL Sql server, which I have set up in the Azure cloud. The SQL server is running and is configured for SageX3.
I'm already irritated that the file name of the installer contains "win".

java -jar db-sql-3.0.1-win.jar

Is there an extra installer for Linux, or does SageX3 not support SQL Server on Linux?

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    I have not seen parameters disappear from the console but that likely means they are not relevant to your configuration. So adding them back manually, I would expect them to be ignored. Unfortunately, I do not have the answer to how you move forward.

    If you are a business partner, the support team can either assist via a support ticket, or engage the Sage expert services to consult with you. If you are a customer, please consult with your Sage partner on this implementation.
