Use mssql Server on Linux (RHEL)



Is it possible to use the mssql server on RHEL with SageX3. On my installation ISO there is a dbsql and a dbora directory. The installation of dbora would work, when I try to install the dbsql component, I get the error: "osrequrement failed" after the splash screen.
It is a RHEL Sql server, which I have set up in the Azure cloud. The SQL server is running and is configured for SageX3.
I'm already irritated that the file name of the installer contains "win".

java -jar db-sql-3.0.1-win.jar

Is there an extra installer for Linux, or does SageX3 not support SQL Server on Linux?

Parents Reply
  • 0 in reply to Bruno Gonzalez

    As you can see on the screenshot, the mssql server works on the Linux RHEL machine. I can successfully connect to the server via ODBC.
    The server accepts the connection without encryption.
    This is also defined in the /etc/odbc.ini. Why SageX3 does not take this information from /etc/odbc.ini, but needs it as a separate parameter is rather unfortunate. I don't see these parameters in the console, but this is rather an error of the console and not an error of the SQL server.

    I will now take a closer look at LauncherSolution. Maybe I can use it to set the encryption parameter. I am already automating the installation process and 90% of the installation is already running automatically. The only thing missing at the moment is the creation of the solution.

  • 0 in reply to Armin W.

    What is also interesting is that the configuration does not stop at the ODBC error, but continues to run and then stops here:

    06.08.2024 15:54:34 ERROR - Error while executing : NOK. (LibAdm.RunCreateUserMainUnix)
    ConvertTo-SecureString: Parameter cannot be processed because the parameter name 'P' is ambiguous. Possible matches include: -ProgressAction -PipelineVariable.

    06.08.2024 15:54:35 FATAL - Configuration aborted
    06.08.2024 15:54:35 FATAL - Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    06.08.2024 15:54:35 FATAL - Error during component configuration !

    A parameter "P" is set there, which is apparently ambiguous and therefore leads to an abort.

    The "" script, which is generated during the configuration of LauncherSolution, looks like this:

    # Usage : [system password] [SQLAdmin password sax3] [Db Folder password]
    . /Sage/SAGEX3/runtime/.profile
    export ADXDIR=/Sage/SAGEX3/runtime;
    export DB_NAM=\SAGEX3,1433
    export DOSS_REF=X3
    cd /Sage/SAGEX3/folders/X3/FILPLAT


    /Sage/SAGEX3/runtime/ebin/adcrapss7 -o X3 -s sagex3  -u sax3 -p $1 -P $2 -r X3 -x NO  -d 160 -i 80  -t SQLSERVER -c NO


    The "-P" parameter marked in red generates an error and causes the configuration to be aborted.
    LauncherSolution unfortunately generates exactly the same error as the console, although I pass a separate xml file here, where the parameter "component.runtime.connection.odbcencrypt" is set to "No".