• How do I create a single dedicated syracuse node dedicated for batch server?

    Hi, Reference on: RE: 69 sessions of Type Batch in Session Management and Batch Server in Starting state with no Diagnosis results On-premise Sage X3 installation. CPU upgrade is impossible to be an approved request without a proven Sage reference…
  • Batch Server running but not processing new tasks.

    Hi, Lately, some of our X3 servers are having problems with the batch server. It's running normally until it stops processing tasks, while maintaining the status as running. I've enabled the logs under Administration, Settings, Global Settings for…
  • 69 sessions of Type Batch in Session Management and Batch Server in Starting state with no Diagnosis results

    Hi, Sage X3: v12p31 Setup is on-premise multi-tier setup with each service having own VM instance. No Runtime Application Clustering or any clustering work has been done. I have received this unusual case today. On Session management, there…
  • Entry point not called

    Hello everyone I try to implement the entry point https://online-help.sageerpx3.com/erp/12/wp-static-content/static-pages/en_US/OBJ/ADC_SERVEUR.htm#APE_30_10 with action REQUETE. I created the entry point and the processing script in the X3 folder…
  • Customizations in X3 folder

    Hello everyone We sometimes have problems when a batch job runs more than once. In order to prevent this we want to use the entry point SERVEUR with action REQUETE https://online-help.sageerpx3.com/erp/12/wp-static-content/static-pages/en_US/OBJ/ADC_SERVEUR…
  • Batch Server is in running state but Query Management shows tasks not running

    Hi, Need a help from Sage community on this post-mortem case (the 01/11/2023 running tasks are after resolution). Would like to know next steps in the investigation as I have hit a wall in this search for why Batch Server not responding to Query…
  • [AWS-X3v12] Question on how to set Batch Server's Timezone for query submissions

    Hi, For context, X3 (v12p33) is installed in one AWS EC2 with a separate server connecting to AWS RDS for database. On EC2 instance, it is set to UTC+8. X3 Runtime is at EC2 instance which is set at UTC+8. When I try to run a query for the Batch…
  • Calculating optimal Batch Server's Maximum active queries settings

    Hi, Question: Is there a simple formula for setting up the Maximum active queries number and its single main runtime limitation before considering Application Clustering with multiple main runtime? I usually observe Maximum active queries settings…
  • Batch Server constant result 406 and consuming 100% CPU

    Hi, Sage X3 v12p25. All Sage X3 components match v12p25 specification. Sage X3's syracuse took over the whole CPU cores with this error repeating with multiple entries consistently. I have no idea on the case of what causing it to happen. This…
  • ECONNRESET Error in Batch Server

    Hi, We are on V12 Patch 22, Syracuse and regularly (2 or 3 times per day) experiencing an error with the batch server where tasks fail with an ECONNRESET error. If this is a recurring task, we have to manually re-start the task with the 'Follow…
  • The batch server is stopped… but it’s running! (Version 11, patch 14)

    Web server Version: 11.19.1-0 SAGE X3 Version: 11.0.14 (Patch14) Runtime: R080.003.00001 Hi: Perhaps someone of you has suffered this issue. It seems that the batch server is stopped (Status = stopped) … but it’s running!! Checking the list…
  • Is it possible to automate the printout of the Recurring task log?

    when running FUNAUTDLV via a recurring task batch job, we would like to be able to print the log file that gets generated as the task completes. Is this possible ? we are using V11 Patch 11
  • Accounting task (ACCBATCH1) and batch server (Recurring Tasks) cannot run at the same time?

    Hi All, We have recently moved from Pu.9 to V11 and we are experiencing some weird issues with the recurring tasks and the accounting task. In Pu.9 we never had any issues having the accounting task running in multiple endpoints or having the accounting…
  • Miscellaneous Issue SMO Import Template Fix

    When using the stock version of the SMO (Miscellaneous Issue) import/export template, you'll notice that it will NOT work with any inventory items that have a coefficient greater than 1 You'll receive an error stating that "the stock to issue has not…
  • Batch Server Failing

    Batch server refuses to get into "Running" state, even when it does it does not get to process task. It is a multi-tier environment. I Restarted the servers and it went back to normal, after a time period the issue returned. Attached is the error…
  • How to execute a .ps1 file as a Batch task

    Hi everyone, We have the following situation: We will like to use a .ps1 (PowerShell File) as a Batch task in order to avoid the Windows Task Scheduler. We have found this in X3 help Should we compile the script to convert it in a .src file? …
  • Recurring tasks stop executing

    Hi, We have a customer on PU8 patch 6 and we are currently experiencing a problem with recurring tasks not continuing to execute. Some more information: The tasks are set up to start at a particular time each day, say 04:30. Taking one of the…
  • How to get Batch task attached to a script to WORK in X3?

    Hi There, Would anyone help me? I am trying to run a simple batch task to generate a log file, but i can't get it to work. It seems to be executing ,but no trace file is generated. This code work fine on the script editor, but doesn't work when i…
  • Entry Batch is Full

    We came across and incident where we were printing out checks and then received an error stating that the Entry Batch is full. She went in and posted the checks that she had then tried closing out and re-entering the function but continues to receive…
  • Workflow for an auditing of field

    Does anyone have a manual workflow configured that allows users to be notified if a field is audited on a specific table? I know X3 has the capability, but I haven't customized this before. This would be for UPDATE event only. Thx
  • Entry point for Automatic Matching(LETTRAUTO)

    Hi, We have a requirement, Path: FInance> Matching>Automatic Matching 1. i have created customer BP Invoice for "$1000" & Posted having number of (AR00001) 2. I have created un-allocated payment of $1000 & Posted with document numbe r (REC0120152001…
  • Executing external program from batch process/XTDWS

    Hello all, I am trying to execute a 3 party application from batch/XTDWS using the SYSTEM Files method with no luck. I have this application working great from the client (ie a user) using SYSTEM Files. Is it possible to use the SYSTEM Files method…
  • batch server ACCENTRY shutting down

    can anyone help the accounting tasks batch process has hung. i've tried to 'stop' the task but it just says "shutting down" and will not restart