The BI Service was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the service is running and that the firewall is configured to allow connections.


I changed hostname and public address.

Previously SEI was working.

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  • +1 in reply to chunheng
    verified answer


    CentralPoint: D:/Program Files/Sage/SEI Central Point/nec-centralpoint.xml

    Distribution: D:/Program Files/Sage/Sage Enterprise Intelligence/DistributionService/objDistribution/DistributionInstaller.exe.config

    Job: D:/Program Files/Sage/Sage Enterprise Intelligence/JobService/JobService.exe.config

    Service (aka: 4504): D:/Program Files/Sage/Sage Enterprise Intelligence/Service/objserver/BIService.NetInstaller.exe.config


    Web (aka 81): C:/inetpub/wwwroot/WebClient/Web.config

    CP config web (aka 8133): C:/inetpub/wwwroot/CPConfiguratorClient/Web.config