Release : 2
Build :
I would like to reset my user password.
Checking from Chrome web console's Network tab:
Checking from IIS server for SEI web server:
2024-07-03 18:35:55.540 +08:00 [Warning] [WebClient] <Account/SendResetPasswordLink>
The operation has timed out. System +++>> at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
at Nectari.Services.EmailManager.SendPassword(String languageCode, String token, String userName, String domain, String email, String link, String nectariUrl, Boolean isSageMode, IContextManager contextManager, IResourceManager resourceManager, String bodyStringKey, Boolean isHtml)
at Nectari.Services.EmailManager.SendPassword(String languageCode, String token, String userName, String domain, String email, String link, String nectariUrl, Boolean isSageMode, String bodyStringKey, Boolean isHtml)
at Nectari.Services.NectariService.ResetAndSendPassword(String token, String centralPointPath, String userEmail, String userName, String nectariUrl, Boolean isSageMode, Boolean& isActiveDirectoryUser, INectariTraceEvent& eventEntity)
When checking the IIS Server views for the SEI web server.
SendResetPasswordLink can be found inside `Login.cshtml`: