Two Tables link expression (Query Tool) Sage X3 v11


Dear All,

I need your support for link expression syntax ,Firstly I am looking for expression tutorials. let me to explain my issue as follows:

I have table  GACCCODE witch is Accounting codes table for example I've added field ACCCOD 

And I have anther table ITMMASTER witch contains field Products I need to link between these two table.

more over I need to create report using Query tool to give me a report as follows:

Accounting Codes ------> Products ---------> Account Type ---------------- SUDCOA 

   FXA                                                      Modifier | Purchasing                10211111

So please help me to solve these issues 


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    Thank you Mohamed,

    From your example, you can link to pull accounting codes based on products with the same value. Once you have your tables and fields with the associated links, you can validate and then run your query. These results can be exported from within the results screen.

    There are many sample queries within the Query Tool function and many of these link multiple, distinct tables.  The best initial approach is to find one with a similar structure, even if the tables are not the same and incorporate the same setup in your query.

  • 0

    Thank you Mohamed,

    From your example, you can link to pull accounting codes based on products with the same value. Once you have your tables and fields with the associated links, you can validate and then run your query. These results can be exported from within the results screen.

    There are many sample queries within the Query Tool function and many of these link multiple, distinct tables.  The best initial approach is to find one with a similar structure, even if the tables are not the same and incorporate the same setup in your query.

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